How to apply for the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant Application 2024


In times of crisis, the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant recognizes the profound impact disasters can have on communities. With steadfastly committed to supporting those affected, DoorDash introduces the Disaster Relief Grant Application. This initiative stands as a beacon of hope, providing financial assistance to individuals, businesses, and communities navigating the aftermath of unforeseen calamities.By fostering resilience and community support, the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant aims to alleviate the burdens caused by disasters and contribute to the restoration and rebuilding of affected areas. This grant application embodies DoorDash’s dedication to making a positive difference in times of need, fostering a sense of solidarity and assistance within the broader community.

Disaster Strikes, DoorDash Responds: $10,000 Grants for Affected Restaurants.

In times of crisis, the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant Application is a beacon for restaurants impacted by natural disasters. The DoorDash Disaster Relief Fund offers $10,000 grants to selected restaurants across the United States, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, providing crucial support after events like fires, floods, and hurricanes.

In the face of adversity, DoorDash stands ready to provide tangible support to restaurants affected by natural disasters. The DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant Application is a lifeline for eateries grappling with the aftermath of fires, floods, and hurricanes. This initiative, backed by the DoorDash Disaster Relief Fund, extends a helping hand through $10,000 grants. Designed to assist impacted restaurants in the United States, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, this program reflects DoorDash’s unwavering commitment to aiding the recovery and resilience of communities facing the challenges of unforeseen calamities.

How to apply for 

1. Apply

Applying for the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant is a straightforward endeavor. Submit your application during the quarterly review periods, ensuring adherence to the eligibility criteria outlined. Take a moment to review the specific requirements and seize this opportunity to access vital financial support for rebuilding in the aftermath of disasters. DoorDash is committed to facilitating a smooth application process, empowering impacted individuals and businesses to embark on their journey toward recovery and resilience.

For more information, click here

2. Review Period

After submitting your application, anticipate receiving a notification the month following the closure of the review period. This meticulous step in the process is designed to uphold transparency, providing timely updates on your application status. DoorDash values clear communication and aims to keep applicants informed every step of the way, ensuring a transparent and responsive review process.

3. Grants Distributed

For selected applicants, the $10,000 grant will be disbursed the month following the conclusion of the application period. DoorDash is committed to ensuring a swift and efficient distribution process, providing timely financial assistance to support the recovery of your restaurant. This streamlined approach reflects DoorDash’s dedication to facilitating a seamless experience for grant recipients, contributing to expeditiously revitalizing businesses impacted by unforeseen disasters.

Who Can Apply: Criteria for Assistance

To be eligible, restaurants must meet specific criteria:

  • Brick-and-mortar Presence: Your restaurant must have a physical location.
  • Limited Locations: No more than three total locations.
  • Manageable Workforce: Employ 50 or fewer individuals per location.
  • Established Duration: Be in operation for at least six months.
  • Revenue Threshold: Maintain revenues of $3 million or less per location in the last 12 months.
  • Geographical Location: Situated in the United States, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Australia, or Canada.
  • Disaster Impact: Affected by a state- or federally-declared natural disaster, including wildfires, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

Applications should be submitted within 12 months of the declared disaster, allowing DoorDash to support those in need promptly. The grants can cover expenses directly linked to the eligible disaster.

This fund does not cover damages related to COVID-19. You can apply now if you are seeking support for disasters other than COVID-19. To prepare for potential disasters, join the DoorDash community on Hello Alice. This community offers educational resources and support.

Create a disaster preparedness plan using tools from Ready.Gov and Emergency Action Plan for Food Establishments. Additionally, consider applying for disaster loan assistance and emergency lodging support. Stay informed on how always to be ready for natural disasters. Taking these steps can enhance your readiness and resilience in facing unforeseen challenges.

DoorDash Cares: Rebuilding Together

In conclusion, the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant offers a lifeline to restaurants facing adversity. The 2024 application process is designed to be accessible, transparent, and supportive. If your restaurant meets specific criteria and has been impacted by a declared disaster, DoorDash offers assistance to help you rebuild stronger. Apply now and let DoorDash stand with you on the journey to recovery.

Applying for DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant in the United States or Puerto Rico

Suppose you own and operate a United States or Puerto Rico restaurant and seek financial assistance after a disaster. In that case, you can submit your grant application through the Disaster Relief Fund at Hello Alice. This platform provides a dedicated space for restaurant owners to access support and resources during challenging times. By applying through Hello Alice, you take a crucial step toward receiving a grant from the Disaster Relief Fund, which can play a pivotal role in aiding your restaurant’s recovery efforts. DoorDash, in collaboration with Hello Alice, extends this opportunity to help rebuild and strengthen restaurants affected by natural disasters in these regions.


In conclusion, the DoorDash Disaster Relief Grant, administered through Hello Alice, is a valuable lifeline for restaurant owners in the United States and Puerto Rico facing the aftermath of disasters. This initiative exemplifies a commitment to community support and resilience, offering financial assistance to aid in the recovery of restaurants affected by unforeseen challenges. By applying for a grant, you access crucial support and become part of a collective effort to rebuild and strengthen the vibrant restaurant community. DoorDash, in collaboration with Hello Alice, is dedicated to making a positive impact and helping restaurants get back on their feet.Read More

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