How to apply for farm and food workers relief grant program 2024


The Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant program is a program that was designed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help out farm and food workers who faced tough times during the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve set up the Farm and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) Grant Program, giving around $670 million to fourteen nonprofit groups and one tribal entity. These organizations will give one-time $600 payments to eligible workers.

The money comes from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The goal is to help those with essential jobs during the pandemic, which officially started on January 20, 2020, and ended on May 11, 2023. These workers, who were on the front lines, can get financial support to cover their expenses in dealing with COVID-19 challenges. If you want to know more about who got the grants and what projects were funded, you can check out the FFWR website.

Getting a $600 Relief Payment 

If you want to get $600 to help with your expenses or see how your application is doing, you should contact the group that helps people in your area. You can find this group on the FFWR Awarded Grants webpage. You only need to provide identification and proof that you have a USDA-approved job to apply. You can do this by talking to the group that got the money or their local partners. They will help you understand what you need to do to get the support you seek.For More Information, Click here

Farm and food workers relief grant program

When managing your grant, following the guidelines outlined in the General Terms and Conditions provided is essential. You can find the specific requirements for the current period (2023–present) and the previous term (2021–2022) in the provided PDF documents. If you need to make changes to your grant, follow the General Terms and Conditions instructions and refer to the Budget Change PDF for a helpful example of an acceptable prior approval request.

The FFWR interim reporting is done semi-annually to keep track of your progress. Within 90 days after the reporting period, submit your Interim Performance Reports. You can use the provided Interim Performance Report Template (DOC) to complete and submit your report efficiently. Following these steps ensures you comply with the grant requirements and keep everything on track.

Reporting and Financial Guidelines for FFWR Grant Administration

For those managing the FFWR grant, reporting and financial documentation are crucial to remember. After your grant ends, submitting a Final Performance Report within 90 days is essential. The Final Performance Report Template (DOC) guides meeting the requirements. To report on the financial status of your grant, you’ll need to complete and submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Status Report, following the instructions provided in the SF-425 Instructions PDF.

These documents should be submitted along with your interim and final performance reports to ensure accurate tracking of your grant’s progress and financial standing. Suppose you have questions about administering the FFWR grant, applying for relief, or needing more information. You can refer to the provided resources, such as the FFWR Frequently Asked Questions section. Returning to the Grants and Opportunities page can offer additional guidance and support.

USDA Grants for Pandemic Relief to Farm and Food Workers: 

Farm and food workers relief grant programs also helped the different nonprofit organizations. In October 2022, the USDA granted funds to 14 non-profit organizations and 1 tribal entity to provide relief to farm and food workers affected by the pandemic, extending support until October 2024. If you need assistance or want to check the status of your relief payment application, reach out to the organization serving your area.

You can find a list of these organizations, their contact details and the states or localities they serve. An interactive map is also available to make it easier, allowing you to identify the organization operating in your specific area. Whether looking at a broader U.S. state map or a more detailed California county map, these interactive tools provide valuable information to access the help you need during these challenging times.

FFWR Grant Program: Quick Reference on Eligibility and Relief Process

The Quick Reference document for the Farmer and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) Grant Program provides essential information for those seeking assistance during the pandemic. The document clarifies common acronyms like AMS (Agricultural Marketing Service) and outlines key terms such as FFWR and RFA (Request for Applications). Regarding eligibility, the program targets hired workers engaged in farming, meatpacking, or grocery store activities, focusing on frontline workers rather than those in managerial roles. The document directs readers to Section 3.2 of the RFA for more details.

For eligible workers seeking relief payments, the announcement of FFWR Grant Program awardees is expected in summer 2022, with details on the program’s website. Workers can use the announced list to contact the relevant awardee for information on how to request relief payments and the anticipated timeline. It’s important to note that relief availability might be delayed as grantees establish their programs following the USDA AMS funding announcement.

Documentation and Eligibility for FFWR Relief Payments

What documentation is needed and the eligibility criteria for relief payments under the Farmer and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) program are crucial. According to grant applicants, beneficiaries must submit acceptable proof of employment in an eligible sector, such as W-2 tax forms or paystubs. These documents aim to ensure program integrity and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse—details are available in Section 3.2 of the RFA (pdf). Importantly, citizenship status is not a requirement for eligibility.

While workers don’t need to assert or provide documentation about their citizenship status, they must provide proof of identity and employment, as outlined in the same RFA section. Additionally, there is a timeframe for eligibility, and relief payments will be available to workers who perform eligible work during a specified period. This helps ensure those who actively contributed during a particular timeframe can benefit from the relief program.

Supporting Our Essential Heroes: Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program

The Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program is designed to assist those in the agriculture and food industry facing challenges or hardships. This program aims to offer financial relief to farmworkers and individuals involved in food production, acknowledging their essential role in sustaining our communities. The grants are intended to help alleviate economic burdens and support those who play a crucial role in ensuring a stable and reliable food supply. By offering assistance through this program, it recognizes and values the contributions of farm and food workers’ contributions, especially during economic uncertainty or unforeseen challenges.


In conclusion, the Farmer and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) program emerged as a vital lifeline, addressing the needs of frontline workers in the farming, meatpacking, and grocery store sectors during the challenging times brought about by the pandemic. The Quick Reference Guide and the Request for Applications (RFA) provide clear insights into eligibility, documentation requirements, and relief processes. By emphasizing program integrity and fraud prevention through acceptable documentation, the FFWR program ensures targeted assistance reaches those who actively contribute to eligible sectors. This initiative is a beacon of support, fostering resilience and stability within essential workforce communities.


1. What is the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program?The Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program is a support initiative aimed at providing financial assistance to individuals employed in the agriculture and food industry who may be facing challenges or hardships.2. Who is eligible to apply for the grant program?Eligibility for the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program is typically extended to farmworkers and individuals involved in food production. Specific criteria may vary, but generally, they target those essential workers contributing to the stability and reliability of our food supply chain.3. How can I apply for the relief grant?To apply for the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant, individuals typically need to follow the application process outlined by the program administrators. This may involve submitting the necessary documentation and details about their circumstances to be considered for financial assistance.4. What expenses does the grant cover?The grant program is designed to offer financial relief, intending to help recipients alleviate economic burdens. While specific details may vary, the grant generally aims to support various expenses that farm and food workers may face during challenging times.5. Is the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program available nationwide?The availability of the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program may vary by region or organization. It’s advisable to check with the specific program administrators or relevant authorities to determine whether the grant is accessible in a particular area.

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